Rental Roundtable #14: Acquiring and Modernizing a Decade’s Old Rental Business
Rental Roundtable #14: Acquiring and Modernizing a Decade’s…
In this insightful session, we're thrilled to welcome Quipli customer Alvin Stoltzfus, the driving force behind Lads Construction and Lads …
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March 11, 2024

Rental Roundtable #14: Acquiring and Modernizing a Decade’s Old Rental Business

Rental Roundtable #14: Acquiring and Modernizing a Decade’s Old Rental Business

In this insightful session, we're thrilled to welcome Quipli customer Alvin Stoltzfus, the driving force behind Lads Construction and Lads Rentals in Middleburg, Pennsylvania. Alvin's unique story, from a construction foreman to a visionary leader in the equipment rental industry, is nothing short of inspiring.

Alvin's approach, focusing on people-first policies and leveraging modern technology, has set a new benchmark in the industry. Along with his wife El and their dedicated team, Alvin has created a thriving business that respects its roots while boldly embracing the future.

  1. Making Your First Acquisition: Dive into how Alvin spotted and seized the ideal opportunity to venture into the rental business.
  2. Choosing the Right Tech Stack: Uncover the strategies for evaluating tech providers and integrating the best technology for your business.
  3. Principles for Operational Success: Discover the core principles that guide strategic decisions and lead to optimal outcomes.

Learn more about the Rental Roundtable and listen to other episodes here: